Attuning to Living Archetypes
A Conscious Universe
Audio and video coming soon.
Honoring the Spirit of Home
Even as each landscape has an enfolding and embodying Landscape Deva, a Spirit of the land, so each home has an enfolding and embodying Spirit of Home. The following ritual offers one way to honor this Spirit each day.
Here’s an audio version of the written information below, if you prefer to listen to it.
As you listen, please press pause when you need additional time to explore this ritual.
And, please remember never to listen to these recordings when driving or using machinery.
Honoring Everyday Helpers
In the Findhorn community, in Scotland, there is a pratice of taking the time to clean and honor the contribution of all the tools used in everyday living. For example, rakes, shovels, silverware and other utensils are blessed and thanked as they are cleaned and put away at the end of the day.
Here’s an audio version of the written information below, if you prefer to listen to it.
As you listen, please press pause when you need additional time to take in the ritual.
And, please remember never to listen to these recordings when driving or using machinery.
Ritual for Honoring Those Who Have Left Their Physical Bodies
This ritual may apply to any life form that has left its physical body, its physical life and expression. It’s a simple ritual and I encourage you to adapt it to your own beliefs, your own sensibilities, and to the possibilities inherent in any given situation.
For this ritual, you will need a candle and whatever other objects reflect, for you, a quality of acknowledging and honoring the value and meaning of the life you are honoring.
Here’s an audio version of the written information below, if you prefer to listen to it.
As you listen, please press pause when you need additional time to take in the ritual.
And, please remember never to listen to these recordings when driving or using machinery.
Attuning to Synchronicity
Here’s an audio version of the written information and meditation below if you prefer to listen to it.
As you listen, please press pause when you need additional time to do the meditation.
And, please remember never to listen to recorded meditations when driving or using machinery.
One of the ways that the non-visible realms connect with us more overtly and obviously is through the ongoing dance of synchronicity. Carl Jung, the Swiss psychologist, defined synchronicity as “meaningful coincidence”. There’s not necessarily a causal relationship between you and what emerges around you, but there is a meaningful relationship. The key thing is that each of us experiences the particular meaning that is alive and relevant to us in any given moment.
Offering Blessings and Gratitude
Here’s another variation on the theme of the prior Earth Meditation. It’s all too easy to get caught up in everyday demands and obligations, and to forget the power of gratitude and offering blessings to the life all around us. This Earth Meditation offers an opportunity to deepen into a relationship of dynamic gratitude with visible and non-visible worlds.
Loving the Earth – A Practice in Gratitude
The Earth is magnificently generous. Our bodies, our everyday nourishment, everything we take for granted that supports our physical life, moment to moment, is a gift from our Earth.
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Attunement to the Heart of the Earth
The Earth has one heart that enfolds and beats through all of us, through everything on the planet. The rhythm of this heartbeat is the rhythm of our lives and we can focus our awareness so that we are even more in tune with that underlying presence.
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Practice for Blessing Water
This ritual is drawn from a book I read last year, called Devas y Naturaleza Mágica: Il despertar planetario de nueva conciencia ecológica, by Miyo. Loosely translated, the title means Devas and Nature Magic: Planetary Awakening to A New Ecological Consciousness. The author, Miyo, actually Emilio Fiel, is a Spaniard who takes people on journeys to explore their relationship with nature in ways more familiar to indigenous cultures than to those raised in European-based cultures. You can explore more about Miyo at http://www.emiliofiel.com/
Miyo invites us to do the following:
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Practice At the Beginning of the Day
At the beginning of your day, whenever that may be, take a moment to greet the day, acknowledging and thanking all the beings — visible and invisible — who will travel with you throughout this day.
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Engaging and Collaborating with Living Archetypes
How do you imagine your life would be affected if you were to begin to actively engage the presence and support of living Archetypes, embodiments of different qualities of being, expression and action in the world? For example, what do you imagine might happen if you were to attune to the Spirit of Affection—a living Archetype of the essence and qualities of affection expressed through words, actions, feelings—and allow it to express in and through you as you engage others? What if these living Archetypes were actually embodiments of a kind of consciousness that we might think of as invisible Presences with whom we can interact and collaborate to enhance our quality of life and activities?
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Blessings for a Troubled World
Sometimes, we feel powerless in a world that has so much suffering and distress, and the following can be a way to offer healing to the world around you from right where you are in this moment. It has to do with moving through your world offering the living presence of your heart to all you meet, including yourself. Here are some examples of possible intentions and blessings you can offer from your heart space as you move through your daily activities:
I choose love.
I am loving awareness. (From Ram Dass)
The Light in me recognizes the Light in you.
I affirm our kinship. (Offered to whatever life form you may encounter along the way.)
You are my kin. May you be well.
May you be free from suffering. (From Buddhist Lovingkindness practices.)
May you live in wholeness.