The Earth is magnificently generous. Our bodies, our everyday nourishment, everything we take for granted that supports our physical life, moment to moment, is a gift from our Earth.
For this meditation, begin by recalling a beautiful natural setting – somewhere you’ve been where your heart has spontaneously opened in response to the beauty in the environment around you. Pay particular attention to the experience of your heart opening and notice the sensations that emerge as your heart opens.
As you experience your heart opening, remind yourself that the beauty touching you right now comes from the same source as your body, from the same source as everything tangible that you encounter in your daily experience. This beauty is a gift offered to you by your home, the Earth.
How does it feel to offer your heart-felt gratitude and love to this planet that is your home, the source of your physical life? What emotions emerge as you actively and with intention radiate the essence of your heart’s gratitude and love outward to the planet? What sensations do you experience in your body?
Spend some time being present to how it feels to allow your heart to send its energy outward, offering it to the world and all who inhabit it including, if it feels all right to do so, visible and invisible dimensions. Spend time resonating with, and meditating on, gratitude.
Gratitude and love embody healing and nourishing qualities. Offer yourself your heart’s gratitude and love, as well now, and notice what happens.
As you hold a meditative awareness, if it works for you, offer yourself the intention that you will notice, and express gratitude for, the gifts of the Earth as you move through your day. Make a commitment to yourself, here in this meditative experience that each time you drink water, you will thank Earth for this life-preserving resource; whenever you turn on a light switch, you will thank Earth for the resources it offers to produce electricity; each time you eat a bite of food, you will thank Earth for all the beings and elements that come together to create the food you eat. If it feels all right to do so, offer yourself the intention to notice what touches your heart about all these gifts of Earth as you move through your day, and notice how it feels to express gratitude all along the way.
Take some time now, to meditate on these commitments and notice your experience.
Fundamentally, gratitude is good food for your body and soul and leads to a deepened sense of connection with the object of your thanks, in this case your home — the Earth. The more you generate and send out gratitude into the world, the more nourished and supported you will feel in your daily life.
Here’s an audio version of the written information and meditation above if you prefer to listen to it.
As you listen, please press pause when you need additional time to do the meditation.
And, please remember never to listen to recorded meditations when driving or using machinery.
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