Here’s another variation on the theme of the prior Earth Meditation. It’s all too easy to get caught up in everyday demands and obligations, and to forget the power of gratitude and offering blessings to the life all around us. This Earth Meditation offers an opportunity to deepen into a relationship of dynamic gratitude with visible and non-visible worlds.
In some indigenous cultures, Earth is called Pachamama, and you may want to use this name during the following meditation. In other traditions, the name Gaia represents the living quality of the Earth:
To begin, find a place to spend a bit of quiet time, where you are able to settle and be undisturbed as you move into the meditation.
Take a few moments to experience the support under you right now, and notice your sensations and feelings as you actively receive the support available to you.
Notice the quality of your own presence as you settle in; expand your awareness to include the environment around you, as well.
If the following feels comfortable to you, say internally or out loud: “Dear Sacred Spirit, I thank you for this moment, for this life, for this opportunity to recognize all that I have, all that You give.”
Notice your experience as you say these words, or words of your own, to open the space for your meditation even more.
Take some time, now, to recall that the Earth is an embodied being and that your physical life emerges from this dynamic, living embodiment.
Offer blessings and gratitude to this Mother of us all in whatever way is natural for you. Next, offer blessings and gratitude to all the beings that inhabit this planet, visible and invisible, whether you know them or not.
The goal here is to support your capacity to express gratitude and offer blessings as a living part of your relationship with the larger context that supports the life you live.
Imagine, now, that you perform a ritual to honor the Earth as a living being. Allow a blessing and your gratitude to be at the center of your imagined ritual. Take all the time you need to feel that you have truly offered the Earth your deep, embodied and living blessings and gratitude.
There is no right answer as to what your imagined ritual might be; allow yourself to be moved during this meditation in whatever ways spontaneously emerge this time.
Notice the sensations in your heart; take some time to allow your heart to receive the nourishment that you automatically generate when you offer blessings and gratitude.
Take a few moments, now, to imagine how the quality of your daily life would be enhanced if you were to make offering blessings and gratitude an ongoing part of your awareness and expression, as dynamic elements in engaging whatever and whomever may come your way.
When you are ready, I invite you to close your meditation with the following, repeated in your mind or out loud slowly and with heart-felt intention:
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am so grateful.
Then, take a moment to or two to sense into the resonating tone of your experience as you would the tone of a bell just rung.
And so it is
Here’s an audio version of the written information and meditation above if you prefer to listen to it.
As you listen, please press pause when you need additional time to do the meditation.
And, please remember never to listen to recorded meditations when driving or using machinery.
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