In recent decades, individuals from Western cultures-–not just shamanic cultures-–have explored the existence of nature spirits, as well as beings who embody physical qualities and forms. The Findhorn community in northern Scotland has numerous references about their experiences collaborating with what are called Devas. In Sanskrit, this word means shining ones: non-physical beings that interact consciously and actively with the physical world.
It is said that devas seek a more conscious and active collaboration with humanity, and the Findhorn community has engaged in such a collaboration for decades. Devadana Sanctuary seeks to support this conscious collaboration and promote a positive and constructive relationship between humans and devas.
For those of us who grew up with the possibility of devic-human cooperation as an inherent aspect of our reality, life has always been a rich and creative experience. We hope to offer you support for your own experiences with devas, and to offer information and guidance in how you might bring this feature of creative living into a more dynamic expression.
In addition to devas, there are nature spirits and elementals engaged in creating and supporting physical reality. It has been said that devas can live without humans but humans cannot survive without devas. It is our commitment to support a respectful and sacred relationship with these beings.
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Even if the idea of non-physical beings pervading the space around you feels impossible, we invite you to play with the following practice to see what it brings into your awareness:
• Notice how you experience a beautiful place in nature–a park, ocean, mountain, forest – if you were to imagine that it is embodied by a landscape deva, an ensouling presence that nurtures the entire area and every living thing in it
• Notice your experience if you imagine that your physical body also has an embodying presence, your physical elemental–-a presence that supports your bodys function and health and one with which you can actively and consciously collaborate
• Notice your experience if you were to imagine that you have a Spirit of your home, a living presence that embodies and supports your living space
• Notice what it would be like to imagine that there is a living Spirit of Peace, Spirit of Love, Spirit of Ease-–a living Spirit that embodies and expresses any and every quality you can imagine, and that attuning to this Spirit brings that particular quality into your life in a more dynamic and tangible way
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To learn more about devas, nature spirits, elementals and the great Spirits that inhabit the multidimensional world, we recommend reading books published by the Findhorn Community, as well as the books of Dorothy MacLean. We also recommend any of the readings or classes from David Spangler and the Lorian Association.
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Here’s an audio version of the written information above, if you prefer to listen to it.
As you listen, please press pause when you need additional time to do take in the practice.
And, please remember never to listen to recordings when driving or using machinery.
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