The practices found here invite you to explore a variety of activities and possibilities for living with a more active conscious awareness of the multidimensional nature of reality. For our first, I draw on something that Gandhi said most eloquently. He invited his followers to focus on the outcomes they wanted to achieve, rather than putting their energy into fighting against things they didn’t want.
There was recently an article in Newsweek magazine that talked about a study of the brain and sleep patterns where people were taught new material. One group was told they would be tested the next day and the other group didn’t get that information. Instead, they received an unexpected pop quiz. In the group that was told they would be tested, their brains went through a different pattern than the group that didn’t have this information. The brains of the people in the test group performed operations through the night that consolidated the new learning. The next day, the group that had been told they would be tested remembered more than the pop quiz group.
This experiment got me to thinking about how powerfully intention affects our lives, and here was a fundamentally physiological example of the effect of intention.
For this practice, we’ll look at the power of intention to orient your body-mind being in a direction that moves you toward something you want to achieve, experience or have in your life. Then, I’ll invite you to explore what it’s like to say ‘yes’ to this outcome, this living energy essence. Saying ‘yes’ sends out a dynamic message to the synchronicity operating all around us all the time, and opens up a magnetic relationship between your intention and the outcome it encompasses.
To begin, allow yourself to become aware of an intention you want to hold, an outcome you wish to achieve, a quality you want to develop in your life, or whatever else you may hold as an intention. State the intention to yourself mentally, so that you are clear about it.
Then, take whatever time you need to experience the qualities, the essence of the focus of your intention. Give yourself an opportunity to notice the sensations in your body when you are in tune with your intention; notice, as well, how you feel, the quality of your thoughts, your overall experience when you resonate with the living essence of your intention.
Now, notice if there is any image, color, fragrance, texture or other symbolic representation that embodies the essence of your intention. If so, notice what it’s like to allow that color or image to touch you in some way that is meaningful to you, in some way that brings the essence of your intention even more alive than it was before. If nothing comes, that’s fine, too. Simply continue to hold your intention in awareness and explore your experience.
Each evening before you go to bed, or whenever your usual bedtime may be, take a moment to recall your intention and affirm your willingness to have it manifest as a living quality in your life. Hold this awareness as the last thing you think about before going to sleep.
There’s nothing else to do. The key here is to hold the intention in your awareness and notice what happens as you affirm your willingness to have the outcome it encompasses be a dynamic, living part of your life experience and your world. Also, if any other steps emerge for you along the way, notice how they enhance your experience.
With all the practices offered here, there will never be right answers as to how to do them. Each of us is unique, and our relationship with multidimensional awareness is also unique. We clothe our subtle impressions in ways that are personally meaningful to us, so I hope you’ll enjoy using these practices as beginning options for exploring your individual way of relating to multidimensional reality.
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Here’s an audio version of the written information above, if you prefer to listen to it.
As you listen, please press pause when you need additional time to do take in the practice.
And, please remember never to listen to recordings when driving or using machinery.
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