This ritual may apply to any life form that has left its physical body, its physical life and expression. It’s a simple ritual and I encourage you to adapt it to your own beliefs, your own sensibilities, and to the possibilities inherent in any given situation.
For this ritual, you will need a candle and whatever other objects reflect, for you, a quality of acknowledging and honoring the value and meaning of the life you are honoring.
Here’s an audio version of the written information below, if you prefer to listen to it.
As you listen, please press pause when you need additional time to take in the ritual.
And, please remember never to listen to these recordings when driving or using machinery.
• The candle you have chosen is used specifically for the purpose of remembering someone, some being, of honoring the time they spent in physical form. (A tea light is a good option because of its limited burning time.)
• Take as much time as you need to recall the person or other being whose life has ended. You may want to include pictures and music in your ritual, and any other additional elements that add richness to your expression of honor and remembrance.
• As you light the candle, say something that reflects your understanding of the sacred nature of the transition from physical life—death is the second “birth” of every physical life form: the birth into non-physical realms. Be sure to honor any mixed feelings you may have. Your relationship with this being may have been complicated and you may also miss the being who has gone.
• If possible, and if it is safe, allow the candle to burn itself out. Tea lights take about three hours, so you might want to begin this ritual when you know you’ll have enough time to be present to the candle without leaving it lit when you’re not able to keep an eye on it. If you can’t allow the candle to burn itself out, each time you relight it, offer some words of blessing and remembrance for the being it honors. This particular candle has no other task–it is there specifically to show its light in honor of the being who has left their physical body.
• Once the candle has burned itself out, if you have part of it you need to throw away, do so mindfully, with a sense of gratitude and respect for the candle’s service.
As you close this ritual, notice your heart space and send love to the person or being who has departed. You have offered a gift of acknowledgment and honor and this is a powerful and sacred offering.
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