This ritual is drawn from a book I read last year, called Devas y Naturaleza Mágica: Il despertar planetario de nueva conciencia ecológica, by Miyo. Loosely translated, the title means Devas and Nature Magic: Planetary Awakening to A New Ecological Consciousness. The author, Miyo, actually Emilio Fiel, is a Spaniard who takes people on journeys to explore their relationship with nature in ways more familiar to indigenous cultures than to those raised in European-based cultures. You can explore more about Miyo at http://www.emiliofiel.com/
Miyo invites us to do the following:
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When passing a fountain or source of water in a city—or wherever you may be, hold the following awareness and intention:
Focus on how much you want to have people who look at or drink this water to wake up to the reality of unity, have health in their bodies, harmony in their relationships. Be sure to include yourself.
When looking at or passing a fountain, say something like the following: “Transparent sap [water] of Mother Earth, clear the vision of those who look at you and open the consciousness of those who listen to you.”
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As you explore this ritual offered to us by Miyo, notice if there are any other ways you find yourself honoring, blessing, and affirming the gifts of water. Those of us who have clean water whenever we want it are profoundly privileged and blessed. Notice your relationship of gratitude with water when you remember to bless it every time you encounter and/or engage it.
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Here’s an audio version of the written information above, if you prefer to listen to it.
As you listen, please press pause when you need additional time to do take in the practice.
And, please remember never to listen to recordings when driving or using machinery.
[…] Practice for Blessing Water 11. Practice at the Beginning of the Day 10. Engaging and Collaborating with Living Archetypes […]