A major focus of Devadana Sanctuary is to support and promote an everyday awareness of the multidimensional nature of reality. This includes holding the possibility – and, hopefully, the lived experience – that there are many dimensions of reality beyond the three-dimensional, material world that we inhabit most consciously.
When we say multidimensional, we include all those frequencies that exist both in- and outside our conscious awareness. We know that there are frequencies our five senses cannot register: x-rays, ultraviolet light, super small particles, radio waves, television frequencies. Devadana Sanctuary seeks to support the idea that there is a much larger range of frequencies outside our conscious awareness. People who can perceive these frequencies are described as medical intuitives, psychics, clairvoyants, sensitives, mediums. These are people who are aware of non-physical realms of reality, who see, or sense, beings who do not live in the physical dimension.
It is here that we draw on shamanic cultures and others who take it for granted that there are invisible beings around us all the time. These beings are said to offer support and help, to be able to affect physical reality, and to offer guidance to us within a number of realms of experience.
We also include dynamic processes such as synchronicity, where elements of experience come together to create meaningful coincidences. Synchronicity demonstrates the presence of a larger scheme of things, as we come together with exactly what we need at exactly the right moment, or the person we need to contact shows up in front of us without warning.
Living multidimensionally fundamentally means opening up to the possibility that we are not here alone, that our interdependence and interconnection reach well beyond our physical world and that we live in a larger and more dynamic reality than we imagine.
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In this practice, we invite you to enhance your multidimensional awareness in the following ways:
• Take time to notice synchronicities as they emerge in your experience in small and large ways.
• Acknowledge those times when you silently ask for something and it appears.
• Sense into your environment and notice any feeling of support you may discover.
• When something goes right and you express gratitude, notice what happens when you add in invisible sources of support as part of your thanks.
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Over time, we will offer additional practices to explore and enhance multidimensional experience and perception.
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Here’s an audio version of the written information above, if you prefer to listen to it.
As you listen, please press pause when you need additional time to do take in the practice.
And, please remember never to listen to recordings when driving or using machinery.
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