In the Findhorn community, in Scotland, there is a pratice of taking the time to clean and honor the contribution of all the tools used in everyday living. For example, rakes, shovels, silverware and other utensils are blessed and thanked as they are cleaned and put away at the end of the day.
Here’s an audio version of the written information below, if you prefer to listen to it.
As you listen, please press pause when you need additional time to take in the ritual.
And, please remember never to listen to these recordings when driving or using machinery.
The following ritual invites you to bring an awareness of gratitude and acknowledgement to the many “helpers” you engage in any given day:
. To begin, settle into an attitude that allows you to acknowledge that everything you encounter in your life is an aspect of the Sacred in form – no exceptions, nothing left out of an awareness that we live in a context of One Life, of a pervasive and ever-present Wholeness.
. Next, light a candle or take a moment at your altar to affirm your willingness to consciously acknowledge and actively thank everything in your life that supports you in any way.
. When you have this affirmation and intention clearly in mind, if it feels all right to you, take a moment to bow to the Life that lives you and everything else in your environment. You bow in gratitude and a living acknowledgement that you are never without the Sacred all around you, that there is support in so many forms all around you, and that you benefit from the service of every object, person and being in your life.
. Take a moment to acknowledge the consciousness that lives in *everything* that is–the same consciousness that lives you.
. Hold the intention to bless and thank everything in your world that serves you and end the ritual with that awareness, noticing the quality of your experience as you would the tone of a bell just rung … how it resonates within you and your world.
. As you blow out the candle, or end your ritual in whatever way is most natural and comfortable for you, take a moment to recall the power of intention and how it is a vivid and true communication between you and the invisible realms, aware of the life that lives you and everything in the world around you.
And so it is.
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