Sometimes, we feel powerless in a world that has so much suffering and distress, and the following can be a way to offer healing to the world around you from right where you are in this moment. It has to do with moving through your world offering the living presence of your heart to all you meet, including yourself. Here are some examples of possible intentions and blessings you can offer from your heart space as you move through your daily activities:
I choose love.
I am loving awareness. (From Ram Dass)
The Light in me recognizes the Light in you.
I affirm our kinship. (Offered to whatever life form you may encounter along the way.)
You are my kin. May you be well.
May you be free from suffering. (From Buddhist Lovingkindness practices.)
May you live in wholeness.
These are but a few options to explore, examples to support your also creating your own.
Notice what words resonate most powerfully for you, which statements feel alive. Create whatever statements may convey, for you, your heartfelt wishes for yourself and all those you encounter, for the world you inhabit. Not only does this process offer blessings and good wishes to your immediate environment, but it also adds their positive energy and intention to our collective consciousness.
We can send these kinds of blessings to any and all beings, and it is then their own intention, and purpose, that either resonates or not with what we send. Because we send these offerings without the intention that something specific must happen, we avoid imposing them on others. Instead, they become positive contributions to our collective environment and experience that are offered from the heart.
Part of this kind of practice is to notice how it is to offer your heartfelt wishes and blessings freely, without a demand that they be received. Notice how it feels to realize that you can give positive energy and input to the world around you simply by carrying this kind of intention or blessing in the same way your out-breath is part of your moving through the world. What you offer travels with you and naturally radiates the quality and tone of your offering into the environment.
As with all the practices you will find here at Devadana Sanctuary, this one is offered as a beginning, not as the final word. We would be most interested and grateful to know your experiences with using this practice – both in terms of what it touches in you and how it supports your moving through your world as a healing presence, with conscious awareness and an open heart. If you find you have anything to share about your experiences with this practice, please post them in the comments section below or on our Facebook page.
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Here’s an audio version of the written information above, if you prefer to listen to it.
As you listen, please press pause when you need additional time to do take in the practice.
And, please remember never to listen to recordings when driving or using machinery.
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