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One of the ways that the non-visible realms connect with us more overtly and obviously is through the ongoing dance of synchronicity. Carl Jung, the Swiss psychologist, defined synchronicity as “meaningful coincidence”. There’s not necessarily a causal relationship between you and what emerges around you, but there is a meaningful relationship. The key thing is that each of us experiences the particular meaning that is alive and relevant to us in any given moment.
For this meditation, take a moment to find a place where you can sit down and be present to yourself and your awareness for a little while.
To begin, notice the place in your body that you would identify as your core—as the place where you discover your own sense of presence.
This is a place in you that has never been hurt, a place in you that is always there, just as it is, no matter what might be happening in your life. It’s like the deep currents in the ocean that are untouched by the storms moving around up on the surface.
From this place of core presence, notice what it’s like to take a moment to settle even a bit more, and to recognize that you are part of a multidimensional reality that is infinitely vast and complex.
If it’s comfortable for you, also remember that you are never alone, that there are invisible realms constantly interpenetrating and interacting with our physical world, and that synchronicity is one of the ways we encounter the intersection between visible and invisible worlds.
Take a moment to actively welcome synchronicity into your life as a living, dynamic presence.
Notice what it’s like if you hold the intention to be even more aware of, and responsive to, synchronistic moments that move into and through your daily experience.
What do you notice in your body when you become more aware of the support offered by synchronicity—by the possibilities that emerge when you consider that this kind of dynamic meaningful coincidence is present to support you in unexpected and positive ways?
What do you experience if you offer gratitude to the presence of synchronicity?
Take a little time, now, to simply be present to, and resonate with, your willingness to be increasingly aware of moments of synchronicity as they emerge in your daily life.
Notice where you’re open to this possibility and where you may constrict around the idea.
Then, invite yourself simply to notice what happens as you bring awareness to your spontaneous responses.
If it feels natural and okay, take a few moments, now, to offer gratitude to the dance of synchronicity as the teacher and friend that it is.
End your meditation with an awareness of the resonating tone of whatever recognition you hold right now of the ways in which synchronicity give you a glimpse of the constant, dynamic, and ever-present interactions between visible and non-visible worlds.
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