Here, you’ll find various resources, including links to websites that have information on collaborating with the invisible realms, developing relationships and partnerships with Spirits of the urban sacred and nature spirits, books, videos, and more.
One of the great gifts of the Internet is that there are countless resources available to nurture your relationship with the invisible realms and with all the support available there. As those of us who collaborate with our gadgets know already, your computer, phone, iPad, and other technological friends will help guide you to the resources you need at this particular moment. The opportunity is to relax, ask for guidance as you log on, and see where you find yourself.
For information and practices related to living multidimensionally, please visit our sister website: Devadana Sanctuary.
A favorite resource for helpful information about interacting with invisible realms is David Spangler, in his work with Inspirational Spirituality and the Lorian Association:
His books include:
“Apprenticed to Spirit: The Education of a Soul”
“Subtle Worlds: An Explorer’s Field Notes”
He also has a subscription journal: “Views From the Borderland”, in which he shares his experiences with the subtle realms, his guides, and teachers.
Here are some links to interviews and talks with David:
Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview:
Brief talk at a Findhorn gathering on The New Story and collaborating with the subtle realms:
And, even though the sound is a bit challenging, here’s another talk by David at a church meeting:
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Another favorite resource for exploring spirits of the urban sacred is Claude Poncelet. Here are some resources about him:
On Youtube, Claude’s two-part interview with Tami Simon on her podcast, Insights at the Edge:
Part I:
Part 2:
Claude’s talk on The Reconsecration of Our Modern Technological World, given at a class given by Brian Swimme:
Claude’s book, The Shaman Within
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The Findhorn Community, in Scotland, has many resources. One of the best for learning about devas, nature spirits, and our collaboration with them, is Dorothy Maclean, one of the founders of Findhorn:
“To Hear the Angels Sing”
“To Honor the Earth”
These books, and others by Dorothy and other authors, maybe found at
An early book about Findhorn is “The Findhorn Garden”, available on Amazon.com. Also available is “The Magic of Findhorn”, by Paul Hawken.
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