For this week’s exploration, I invite you to focus on the spirits, the creative embodiments, the archetypes that are all around us in the subtle environment that is part of our multidimensional world. In whatever ways you are most comfortable thinking of the Intelligences that embody particular essences and qualities, notice what it’s like to imagine that there actually are living representatives of expressions that we take for granted. For example, when you draw on compassion, kindness, or assertiveness, what is it like to consider that these qualities are the expressions of embodied presences that inhabit your world? What would change in the quality of your everyday life if you were to imagine that you could meet a problem or challenge with the support of, say, the Spirit of Courage, or the Archetype of Strength? What if these embodiments were available to collaborate with you?
Throughout history, humanity has represented these archetypal embodiments in many different ways in every religion and culture. For this exploration, there’s an opportunity to explore the possibility that these images and representations of gods and goddesses, mythical beings, spiritual sources of inspiration and guidance show up so regularly because they actually are living amongst us as part of the subtle dimensions of our world and are available to support us.
In the coming week, notice what you experience if you experiment with asking for help or support. An important element of this is not to expect the experience to be logical and, also, to perhaps not feel you’ve gotten a response right away. More than getting results, it’s an exploration of what it’s like to engage the possibility that you are partnered every step of the way and that support and guidance are readily available—even though what you receive may not appear in a logical, familiar, or particularly clear form. There are times when we understand the support we have received only with hindsight, once we are able to look back on something and see more clearly what actually unfolded.
After you’ve had some time to engage this exploration, please give us your comments, as we all support one another when we are able to share what worked, and what didn’t—or how we engage these explorations in unique ways.
Here’s an audio version of the written information above, if you prefer to listen to it.
As you listen, please press pause when you need additional time to do take in the practice.
And, please remember never to listen to these recordings when driving or using machinery.
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