Part of the emphasis here at Spirits of the Urban Sacred is to bring the presence of the Sacred more into awareness in everyday life. It’s a matter of paying attention to this aspect of reality and this week’s exploration focuses on a recognition that the essence of the Sacred is in everything you encounter in the course of your daily life. Everything around you is made of the same life force that moves in and through you, even though the physical forms that life force takes can be very different from yours.
For example, it might seem strange to consider your smart phone, computer, coffee cup, table, chair as infused and informed with and by the same Sacred essence that infuses and informs your life, but what if that is the case? How would it affect the quality of your everyday life if you acknowledged and honored the Sacred in everything around you, the life present in literally everything you come in contact with as you move through your world? How would you interact with, and treat, everything around you if you were to recognize that it is related to you, that you emerge from, and are part of, the same Sacred life energy and impulse.
This becomes an exercise in exploring your experience of oneness, of the inescapable relatedness of everything that exists, and asks you to play with acknowledging and honoring this underlying fact of oneness, that the Sacred is in everything. This doesn’t mean you don’t have your unique identity. It does mean that there is only one source, the Sacred, and it is in everything. It’s useful to notice any mixed feelings you may have when you consider that a building you enter is made of the same stuff as you, even though it is an entirely different expression of that “stuff”. You might notice that it’s easier to imagine oneness with a tree, a bird, even a rock than it is with objects and human-made structures. The underlying fact is, though, that everything—human-made or not—is comprised of particles that emerge from the same life source that creates your physical presence.
When you’ve had a chance to play with this week’s Exploration, please post your comments, as our unique individual experiences can become a source of inspiration and support for one another.
Here’s an audio version of the written information above, if you prefer to listen to it.
As you listen, please press pause when you need additional time to do take in the practice.
And, please remember never to listen to these recordings when driving or using machinery.
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