David Spangler has an exercise that I really like and I’d like to share my adaptation of it for you to explore over the next week. It involves transmitting the essence and energy of love to everything around you. Remember that most of these explorations arise from the assumption that everything we encounter is alive and conscious, in the sense that all are expressions of the One Life that is all that is. Saying that everything is conscious doesn’t mean everything experiences and expresses the same kind of consciousness. Different frequencies and different qualities of essence no doubt generate different kinds of consciousness. The underlying assumption, however, is that there is One Consciousness and that we are all participants in that One.
For this week’s exploration, I invite you to imagine that you are filled up with universal love, an energy and essence that is constantly flowing into and through you and is infinite in its availability. As you approach, say, your favorite chair, imagine that the love energy can flow through you and out your fingertips into your chair. As the energy of love flows from you to your chair, imagine that it fills your chair with the living essence of love and that the chair receives, and is enhanced by, the love you offer to it.
Imagine how it would be if you were to offer love to whatever you encounter in your environment, recalling not only that it has an effect on everything you touch, but also noticing what effect it has on you as you engage this practice.
When you’ve had a chance to play with this a bit, please share your experiences and questions below. As a community, we can offer one another support in bringing alive, enriching, and deepening our experiences of engaging the Spirits of the Urban Sacred.
Here’s an audio version of the written information above, if you prefer to listen to it.
As you listen, please press pause when you need additional time to do take in the practice.
And, please remember never to listen to these recordings when driving or using machinery.
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