May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder.
~ John O’Donohue
Sunlight on Ocean Waves – photo by Lynne Williamson,
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It turns out that flowering plants did some extraordinary things once they evolved: they formed belowground links with nitrogen-fixing bacteria that essentially pumped lots of fertilizer into the soil, allowing ecosystems to become large and productive. Through their flowers and their fruit, they started to coevolve with insects, with beetles and moths and katydids and flies; and if you look at the evolutionary tree of most modern groups, and particularly the most diverse groups of insects today, they explode when flowering plants come along because of this reciprocal interaction between the insects and the plants themselves.
~ David G. Haskell
Lotus and Bees -photo by Angle DiBenedetto
Go outside and don’t go to a special place. Just go into your neighbourhood and repeatedly, over and over again, open your ears and harvest the sounds all around you. Whether those are tree sounds or car sounds or bird sounds. Without judgment, just be present for the physical experience of sounds flowing into our consciousness. Do that over and over again and the trees will befriend you — or come into your consciousness and teach you some of what they’re saying.
~ David George Haskell
Turtle Pond, Central Park, New York City – photo by Devadana Sanctuary
Who would deduce the dragonfly from the larva, the iris from the bud, the lawyer from the infant?…We are all shape-shifters and magical reinventors. Life is really a plural noun, a caravan of selves.
~ Diane Ackerman
Green Hermit and Orange Flower, Costa Rica – photo by Jin Hrebicek,
An updated worldview is called for that places life as we know it as in, among and inseparable from Earth itself. Humans, for instance, do not live “on” the planet, they are the planet. The terms animate and inanimate no longer serve when we view earth as a living entity. Following on, planetary psychology accepts that earth as a living planet is conscious and accepts the responsibility to investigate just how human and other than human beings share in that one consciousness.
~ See Panpsychism and Panprotopsychism by David J. Chalmers
Summer Lotus – photo by Ange DiBenedetto
…we are descendants of fungi. Fungi have been here a lot longer than we have. They are network-based organisms. And we know about how important networks are with the computer, internet, a brain, the brain networks. And so, understanding that our origins come from this wellspring of these fungal networks should give us pause to think about how we can preserve the very foundation of the ecosystems that give us life.
~ Paul Stamets
Pholiota in the Woods – photo by Dmitry Maslov,