The world is no more than the Beloved’s single face; in the desire of the One to know it’s own beauty, we exist.
~ Ghalib
Asian Elephants in Deep Forest, Thailand, bigstockphoto by Panom Bounak,
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Why do humans think
Earth is silent
beneath all that stone and dirt?
Why don’t they hear her as clearly as I do?
The whispers of moonlight,
the summons of sun,
the longing of river
and the shout of thunder.
Earth is not silent.
She speaks in every turning of her axis,
every tilting of her hips,
and in the secrets she shares
with the seasons
and in every tectonic shift.
Earth is not silent.
She speaks through weather
and breathes through forests
and she loves through her trees.
She dances in her the oceans
and she rests in her deserts.
Why do humans think
She is so silent
when she has so much to say?
~ Edveeje Fairchild
Beautiful Norway – photo by Andrey Armyagov,
Be a kind voice in this broken-hearted world. Give grace, and be ready to receive it. Listen so well that the person you’re with can rest in your loving attention for a moment. Be a light. Be a light. Be a light.
~ Narea Hoffman
Giant Sequoia, Kings Canyon, Sequoia National Park – photo by Pung Pung,
Spirituality is recognizing and celebrating that we are all inextricably connected to each other by a power greater than all of us, and that our connection to that power, and to one another, is grounded in love and compassion.
~ Brene Brown
Sunrise, Huangshan Mountains, China – photo by bamboome,
…everything that has form in this world has a spiritual dimension…everything in this world is connected…everything we do to bring harmony, anywhere and at any time, has repercussions elsewhere.
~ Claude Poncelet, The Shaman Within
Northern Lights, Southern Iceland – photo by Burben,
What one thought of kindness can I offer to this world today? What one act of kindness can I offer to those I encounter along the way today? If I were to choose to resonate with qualities of kindness today, what might change in my thinking, perceptions, and overall experience? What if I were to orient, again and again, to the frequency of kindness today, allowing it to be the filter through which I perceive my world, and seek to embody it in all my actions?
~ Nancy J. Napier
Foggy Snowy Landscape, Portage Creek, Michigan – photo by dpennala,
…I know that there is a deeper truth to our journey together with the Earth, a truth older than any belief or ideology, and far from the discords of today. It does not offer a solution to today’s problems, because it is too simple and radical. It is a doorway into a way of being with each other and the Earth that carries the secrets of our shared existence, where we are a part of a living tapestry that stretches to the stars and beyond. And it is here, all around us, present in the most ordinary things.
~ Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Tropical Jungle, Thailand – photo by Quickshooting,