Simple kindness is a powerful spiritual force.
~ David Spangler
Sunrise, Monument Valley, AZ – photo by Bill45,
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…indigenous communities have detected, coped and responded to environmental change for centuries. Deploying traditional understanding of managing environmental change should serve as a complement to modern science in the development of climate adaptation strategies.
~ Hannah Rundle
Garden of the Gods, Colorado – photo by pilgrims49,
This is perhaps one of the most important things I learned during this investigation: We see what we believe, and not just the contrary; and to change what we see, it is sometimes necessary to change what we believe.
~ Jeremy Narby, “The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge
Blue Cave, Zakinthos Island, Greece – photo by neirfy,
The world is not decided by action alone. It is decided more by consciousness and spirit; they are the secret sources of all action and behavior. The spirit of a time is an incredibly subtle, yet hugely powerful force. And it is comprised of the mentality and spirit of all individuals together. Therefore, the way you look at things is not simply a private matter. Your outlook actually and concretely affects what goes on. When you give in to helplessness, you collude with despair and add to it. When you take back your power and choose to see the possibilities for healing and transformation, your creativity awakens and flows to become an active force of renewal and encouragement in the world. In this way, even in your own hidden life, you can become a powerful agent of transformation. There is a huge force field that opens when intention focuses and directs itself toward transformation.
~ John O’Donohue
Yosemite National Park in Winter – photo by jeffbanke,
The accelerating ecological destruction wrought by contemporary humankind seems to stem not from any inherent meanness in our species but from a kind of perceptual obliviousness, an inability to actually notice anything outside the sphere of our human designs, a profound blindness and deafness to the more-than-human earth.
…it is only by waking the senses from their contemporary swoon, freeing our eyes and our ears and our skin to actively participate, once again, in the breathing cosmos of wind and rain and stone, of spider-weave and crow-swoop and also, yes, the humming song of the streetlamp pouring its pale light over the leaf-strewn pavement, that we may have a chance of renewing our vital reciprocity with the animate, many-voiced earth.
~ David Abrams
Mossman River Gorge, Queensland, Australia – photo by olli0815,
Trees are a fascinating species on Earth. Unlike other creatures, trees can live for thousands and thousands of years. The oldest tree on record lived for over five thousand years! Unbelievable! It was still three thousand years old when Rome was at its greatest point. It’s amazing to think about and it’s absolutely crazy how long trees can live. They are amongst the oldest living creatures on the entire planet.
We know that trees are alive because they use energy to create their own energy. Even though they lack the organs that creatures like mammals have, trees still have their own set of unique organs.
~ Brandon Prows
Snow-Covered Tree – photo by Syntheticmessiah,
…I always find it strange that somehow we are very keen on working with ourselves as a sacred being but we do not realize that this sacred being that is ourselves is part of a much bigger sacred being that is the world, that is creation.
~ Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Nature’s Abundance – photo by Marko Aliaksandr,
Wildness is…everywhere: ineradicable populations of fungi, moss, molds, yeasts, and such, that surround and inhabit us. Deer mice on the back porch, deer bounding across the freeway, pigeons in the park. Spiders in the corner.
~ Gary Snyder
Field Mouse on Forest Floor – photo by CreativeNaturePhotography,
Reality is woven from strange, “holistic” threads that aren’t located precisely in space or time. Tug on a dangling loose end from this fabric of reality, and the whole cloth twitches, instantly, throughout all space and time…The bottom line is that physical reality is connected in ways we’re just beginning to understand…When you drill down into the core of even the most solid-looking material, separateness dissolves.
~ Dean Radin
Milky Way over the Himalayas, Nepal – photo by Den Belitsky,
From the animist point of view, humans belong in a sacred place because they themselves are sacred. Not sacred in a special way, not more sacred than anything else, but merely as sacred as anything else—as sacred as bison or salmon or crows or crickets or bears or sunflowers.
~ Daniel Quinn
Bison, Yellowstone National Park – photo by Sue Smith,
I want to make it clear that my intention of presenting this information is to demonstrate that thoughts, intentions, prayer and other units of consciousness can directly influence our physical material world. Consciousness can be a big factor in creating change on the planet. Sending thoughts of love, healing intent, prayer, good intention, and more can have a powerful influence on what you are directing those feelings towards.
~ Arjun Walia
Indian Ocean, Bali – photo by Dudarev Mikhail,
What the idea of “thinking like a planet”…implies is that we are the planet. We are Gaia. If anything, this is what an understanding of ecology (both physical and spiritual) teaches us: that we cannot separate ourselves from the web of interconnectedness and interdependency that makes up the web of planetary life. We simply cannot affect one part of our world without affecting in some manner all other parts, including ourselves. Some of these consequences, as we are learning, can be disastrous. It is in our best interests to learn to think in terms of the whole system of which we are one part.
~ David Spangler
Winter Landscape – photo by arcadi62,
Embracing the feminine archetype (which tends to be more open, allowing, forgiving, bodily aware, and integrating) will enable humanity to move beyond the aggressive and competitive mind set of the industrial era and to promote the caring and cooperation that are the vital foundation for a sustainable future.
~ Duane Elgin, “The Living Universe”
Yangshuo Guilin, China – photo by kenny001,