Throw a pebble into a pond. It sends a shiver across the surface of the water. Ripples merge into one another and create new ones. Everything is inextricably interrelated. We come to realize that we are responsible for everything we do, say, or think, responsible in fact for ourselves, everyone and everything else, and the entire universe.
~ Sogyal Rinpoche
Irish Creek, Clare Glens, Limerick – photo by Patryk Kosmider,
Devadana Sanctuary
Click thumbnail to view larger image.
If we can have a holistic view of soil, soul and society, if we can understand the interdependence of all living beings, and understand that all living creatures—from trees to worms to humans—depend on each other, then we can live in harmony with ourselves, with other people and with nature.
~ Satish Kumar
Lupin Field, Lake Tekapo, New Zealand – photo by World Image,
Waking up from the trance of separateness creates powerful new possibilities for the future. It is in this spirit of hope that we can come together to nurture a different dream for the world, one that, “brings forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling socially just human presence on this planet.”
~ Alexis Lassman
Java Landscape – photo by Andrushko Galyna,
Since it is impossible to be outside the reach of collective consciousness, we are faced with a constant opportunity to make a difference by cleaning up our small contribution to the human morphic field. No one else can do this for us; each of us must choose the quality of thought, feeling, and being we want to bring into our individual lives and, thereby, into the reach of everyone else.
~ Nancy Napier, “Sacred Practices for Conscious Living, 2nd Edition”
Costa Rican Sunset – photio by TamiFreed,
As a species, we are on the cusp of an evolutionary choice. Standing at the dawn of this perfect storm, we find ourselves at the beginning of a process of civilizational transition. As the old paradigm dies, a new paradigm is born. And many people around the world are already making the evolutionary choice to step away from the old, and embrace the new.
~ Nafeez Ahmed
Merced River and Yosemite Falls – photo by haveseen,
When you know that trees experience pain and have memories and that tree parents live together with their children, then you can no longer just chop them down and disrupt their lives with large machines.
~ Peter Wohlleben
Sequoia – photo by Adrushko Galyna,
An updated worldview is called for that places life as we know it as in, among and inseparable from Earth itself. Humans, for instance, do not live “on” the planet, they are the planet. The terms animate and inanimate no longer serve when we view earth as a living entity. Following on, planetary psychology accepts that earth as a living planet is conscious and accepts the responsibility to investigate just how human and other than human beings share in that one consciousness.
~ David Chalmers
Rainforest Cascade, Bolivia – photo by alekseigl,
Every tree, every plant, has a spirit. People may say that the plant has no mind. I tell them that the plant is alive & conscious. A plant may not talk, but there is a spirit in it that is conscious, that sees everything, which is the soul of the plant, its essence, what makes it alive. The channels through which the water & sap move are the veins of the spirit.
~ Pablo Amaringo
Raindrops and Plant Life – photo by Mihailo K,
As the reality that we are one awakens in every person’s heart, the good news is that they will also realize that every thought, feeling, word or action they express that is based in a consciousness of Divine Love, oneness, or reverence for all life will bless every person, place condition and thing on Earth. And greatly enhance the harmony in their own life as well.
~ Patricia Cota Robles from her video blog released 6-2-20
Early Morning Sunrise – photo by Dzmitrock,
So we ought not to think of ourselves as rising up out of nature or leaving it behind on a lengthening thread. Genetically, we are so deeply enmeshed in the fabric of nature that all separation is an illusion.
~ Robert Bringhurst
Rock Formations, Phae Mueng Phi National Park, Thailand – photo by Artaporn Puthikampol,
More than ever, we must affirm our kinship with all life—with all other humans, all other life forms, with the living being that is our home planet. The illusion that we are separate is profoundly dangerous and leads us to do harm to ourselves, to our collective family of kin of every kind, to our earth mother, to the very life force that allows us to be here.
~ Nancy J. Napier
Karst Mountains, Guilin, China – photo by SeanPavonePhoto,
The penny has also dropped that wellbeing isn’t individual but social. We are not actually independent at all, but dependent. We can make each other sick and we can try to make each other well.
~ Tobias Jones, The Observer
Adriatic Sea, Dalmatia, Croatia – photo by AnnaElizabeth photography,
John O’Donohue wrote, “The earth is full of thresholds where beauty awaits the wonder of our gaze.” I would add that the world is full of living beings waiting to be heard and resonated with, as we welcome and delight in each other and begin to heal humans, animals, and the Earth.
What we do not attend to cannot reach us. If we don’t know to listen, we cannot hear. But the animals are calling us. It doesn’t matter what animal it is or where we are. Any of us can experience this. It is our heritage and it is inherent in the nature of Life if only we realize the possibility and open ourselves up to it. When you go into nature, tune in more deeply. Life is calling to life.
~ Susan Eirich
Deer in the Forest – photo by Sergei 777,
From my perspective, I absolutely believe in a greater spiritual power, far greater than I am, from which I have derived strength in moments of sadness or fear. That’s what I believe, and it was very, very strong in the forest.
~ Jane Goodall
Tropical Jungle, Souteast Asia – photo by Quickshooting,
It is no longer appropriate to think only in terms of even my nation or my country, let alone my village. If we are to overcome the problems we face, we need what I have called a sense of universal responsibility rooted in love and kindness for our human brothers and sisters. In our present state of affairs, the very survival of humankind depends on people developing concern for the whole of humanity, not just their own community or nation. The reality of our situation impels us to act and think more clearly. Narrow-mindedness and self-centered thinking may have served us well in the past, but today will only lead to disaster. We can overcome such attitudes through the combination of education and training.
~ Joanna Macy
Bryce Canyon, Utah – photo by jeffbanke,
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