The basic principle seems to be: Everything in nature is here for a reason. And until we understand that reason, we better not just go around destroying things.
~ Charles Eisenstein
Northwestern Forest – photo by kvd design,
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…when we place our emphasis and consciousness on the soul of the world, we’re embracing the world as something sacred, as something that has its own essence, its own purpose and destiny that might very well be different, bigger, and more mysterious than anything we suspect or anything we could understand.
~ Geneen Marie Haugen
Moon Valley in Atacama Desert, Chile at Sunset – photo by Breev Sergey,
The whole of planet Earth
Is a sacred site.
All people are the chosen people,
And the purpose of our lives is a spiritual one.
May we care for each other,
And for the earth, for everything
Relates to everything else.
Feeling this oneness,
May we radiate the light of love
And kindness that all may live in unity and peace.
~ Teach Only Love, Facebook
Sunrise – photo by wittybear,
I pray to the birds. I pray to the birds because I believe they will carry the messages of my heart upward. I pray to them because I believe in their existence, the way their songs begin and end each day—the invocations and benedictions of Earth. I pray to the birds because they remind me of what I love rather than what I fear. And at the end of my prayers, they teach me how to listen.
~ Terry Tempest Williams
Cardinal – photo by Steve Byland,
If we embrace the sacred within all of life, we will find that life will speak to us as it spoke to our ancestors. A veil will be lifted and this innate knowing will be present again. This is the ancient wisdom of the Earth itself, the Earth which has evolved and changed over millennia, whose wisdom we desperately need at this present time if we are to avoid an even greater ecological disaster.
~ Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Forest Stream, Mt. Field National Park, Tasmania – photo by Neale Cousland,
We are all needed, more than we know. We are needed to fulfill the purpose Spirit had for us at the moment of our awakening into the world. We are needed to share our love and vision. We are needed to help others walking with us. I am needed. You are needed. We are all needed. Just as we are.
~ Steven Charleston
Blossoming Dahlia – photo by kip02,
Our goal should be to live in radical amazement, [to] get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted. Everything is phenomenal; everything is incredible; never treat life casually. To be spiritual is to be amazed.
~ Abraham Joshua Heschel
Vernal Falls, Yosemite National Park, CA – photo by neillang,
Bizarre, isn’t it, that the most intellectual creature — surely, that’s ever lived on the planet — is destroying its only home… I always believe it’s because there’s a disconnect between that clever, clever brain and human heart, love and compassion. I truly believe, only when head and heart work in harmony can we attain our true human potential.
~ Jane Goodall
Asilomar Beach, CA Sunset – photo by Jen Silacci
Every being has its own voice. Every being enters into communion with other beings. This capacity for relatedness, for presence to other beings, for spontaneity in action, is a capacity possessed by every mode of being throughout the entire universe. So too every being has rights to be recognized and revered.
~ Thomas Berry
Fuchsia Flowers – photo by Zanna Pesnina,
It may be that you can see the other side of the river from where you are walking. You know one day you will cross over to explore that country. But first you have a vocation to complete here—distributing as many blessings as you can. Forgiveness and mercy, kindness and compassion, love and healing. You have much to share before you see what life is like across the river.
~ Steven Charleston
Morning River Landscape – photo by Alexey1976,
We have to have a new understanding that Earth and Nature are alive, they are intelligent, they have consciousness and they sustain life. We have to embrace this new paradigm if we want to live in harmony and in reverence of Nature.
~ Satish Kumar
Forest Waterfall – photo by iPangzz,