…that there is a central unifying force within all things in the Universe, that all life on Earth is related, and is, in fact, kin.
~ Stephen Buhner
Squirrel, photo by TAO Photography, used with permission
The universe must be experienced as the Great Self. Each is fulfilled in the other: the Great Self is fulfilled in the individual self, the individual self is fulfilled in the Great Self. Alienation is overcome as soon as we experience this surge of energy from the source that has brought the universe through the centuries. New fields of energy become available to support the human venture. These new energies find expression and support in celebration. For in the end the universe can only be explained in terms of celebration. It is all an exuberant expression of existence itself.
~ Thomas Berry
Lotus – photo by Ange DiBenedetto, used with permission
Have you ever seen the dawn? Not a dawn groggy with lack of sleep or hectic with mindless obligations and you about to rush off on an early adventure or business, but full of deep silence and absolute clarity of perception? A dawning which you truly observe, degree by degree. It is the most amazing moment of birth. And more than anything it can spur you to action. Have a burning day.
~ Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration
Sunrise, Kruger Park, South Africa – photo by Sundari Ji, bigstockphoto.com, used with permission
Relationships are all there is. Everything in the universe only exists because it is in relationship to everything else. Nothing exists in isolation. We have to stop pretending we are individuals that can go it alone.
~ Margaret J. Wheatley
Moonset Behind Yuccas, White Sands National Monument, NM – photo by Don Smith Photography, used with permission
There is an ancient and on-going human tradition of non-duality. A form reminiscent of Advaita Vedanta teaches that to view ourselves as having a separate consciousness within that looks out on a world without is an illusion There is only one consciousness. This consciousness permeates the Universe. Planetary psychology limits itself to the study of how humans relate spiritually to universal consciousness as it has been expressed by the planet. All physicality expresses the one consciousness limited only by the number and variety of sensory apparatus that has evolved.
~ David J. Chalmers
Grand Lake – photo by KR Backwoods Photography, used with permission
Everything is alive we come from a culture that doesnt teach us these things innately, and we have to pursue learning them. All that you might learn from me about communicating with the plants also applies to the rocks, the sky, the wind, the hawk that just flew by, the cloud people. And, something thats very important to understand about this is that we are all capable of doing that. We wouldnt be here as human beings if we werent able to communicate with the rest of our relatives.
~ Doug Simons
Salt Creek Beach – photo by TAO Photography, used with permission
There is tremendous hubris – and dangerous environmental perturbations – in disregarding the wisdom of the ancestors who have gone before us, people who said that they learned about the world not from the ability of their minds to work as analytical, organic computers, but from their hearts as organs of perception.
~ Stephen Buhner, The Secret Teachings of Plants: The Language of the Heart
Sunrise at Hunt’s Mesa, Monument Valley, AZ – photo from bigstockphoto.com, used with permission
There is a common thread that connects us all, it helps us understand, communicate, grow and go forward in this life. Then there is the Golden Thread, the Thread that is woven into us by the breath and hand of Great Spirit. When we realize this Golden Thread of Spirit there is new Understanding, new Sight, and a new Communication, it is the recognition of the Soul Spirit in each of us. It wraps around and through our heart space, it takes us deeper into this Great Mystery, …we no longer see with the same eyes, or hear with the same ears, we no longer have to communicate with the same voice, …we Speak in silence, we See the soul, and we Hear the whisper of Spirit.
Peace and Blessings to all Walkers, Kingdoms, and Creatures great and small.
~ redskyhawk
Rainforest, Costa Rica, photo from bigstockphoto.com, used with permission
If water is extremely conductive of electricity then this conductivity could also extend to more subtle levels of energy that science is now only at the edge of being able to measure. Remember also that water has also been observed by eastern traditions as perhaps the best example of being able to adapt and change to any situation. Conductivity and adaptability.
We may not be masters of encoding water with intention like the Desana (people of Brazil’s Amazon), or masters of focus like buddhist monks, but what we lack in depth of focus we may be able to make up for with sheer volume of people. What excites me is the idea that millions of people may be able to collectively use their intention to take advantage of the conductivity and adaptability of water, by coming into a space of deep listening and receptivity and then focusing our intention on sending their blessing to the waters of this planet. This may be to bring healing to the waters themselves, but like this practice of using the water as a carrier for healing individuals, a large enough and focused enough collective may be able to bring about healing or re-alignment in not just the water but all those who come into contact with it and there is nothing this planet needs more than that.
~ Jonathan Davis, Uplift
The Elwah River, photo by TAO Photography, used with permission
Since Active Hope doesn’t require our optimism, we can apply it even in areas where we feel hopeless. The guiding impetus is intention; we choose what we aim to bring about, act for, or express. Rather than weighing our chances and proceeding only when we feel hopeful, we focus on our intention and let it be our guide.
~ Joanna Macy
Lotus – photo by Ange DiBenedetto, used with permission
The Shoreline
When we name things in a small way, we cripple them. Often our way of naming things is driven by our addiction to what is obviously visible. Celtic spirituality is awakening so powerfully now because it illuminates the fact that the visible is only one little edge of things. The visible is only the shoreline of the magnificent ocean of the invisible. The invisible is not empty, but is textured and tense with presences. These presences cannot be named; they can only be sensed, not seen.
~ John O’Donohue, Eternal Echoes
Elf Garden, Iceland – photo by Ragnhildur Johnsdottir, used with permission