…my being partakes of your being and that of all beings. This goes beyond interdependency-our very existence is relational…therefore, what we do to another, we do to ourselves.
~ Charles Eisenstein, from The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible
Setting Sun on Half Dome, Yosemite – photo from bigstockphoto.com
If we are being the very thing we would like the world to become, we will already be at peace.
~ Adyashanti
Winter Forest – photo from bigstockphoto.com
Nothing living should ever be treated with contempt. Whatever it is that lives, a man, a tree, or a bird, should be touched gently, because the time is short. Civilization is another word for respect for life.
~ Elizaeth Goudge
Timber Wolves in Snow – photo by Josef Pitner, bigstockphoto.com
Many…thinkers are suggesting that our consciousness is gradually shifting from valuing hyperindividualism and independence to embracing interdependence and kinship on a vast scale. This will take time, but the ecological sciences are showing us the interconnectedness of life systems.
~ Mary Tucker and Brian Swimme
Cathedral Rock, Sedona, AZ – photo from bigstockphoto.com
The entire range of living matter on Earth from whales to viruses and from oaks to algae could be regarded as constituting a single living entity capable of maintaining the Earth’s atmosphere to suit its overall needs and endowed with faculties and powers far beyond those of its constituent parts.
~ James Lovelock
Rainforest, Borneo – photo from bigstockphoto.com
Traditional Koyukon people live in a world that watches, in a forest of eyes. A person moving through nature-however wild, remote, even desolate the place may be-is never truly alone. The surroundings are sensate, personified. They feel. They can be offended. And they must, at every moment, be treated with the proper respect.
~ Richard Nelson
Trees and Waterfall, Yosemite – photo from bigstockphoto.com
If the sacred gift of earth is life, then water is the custodian of life. Nearly all living beings contain large amounts of water in their bodies; water facilitates their functions. Atmospheric space, too, consists of elements of water in vapor or in gaseous form. Therefore, water is the reconnecting element between our materialistic life and the spiritual world.
Exploration #4
Every space you enter has its own, unique “spirit” or quality and a powerful way to enrich your experience of the sacred in urban settings (or anywhere, for that matter) is to develop your ability to attune to the spirit of a place. For this week’s exploration, I invite you to focus on your felt-sense of the spaces and places around you.
There are a couple reasons to develop this practice, if you haven’t already. View More
…just as working through painful personal memories can bring therapeutic release for the individual, [Christopher] Bache argues that so might conscious engagement of collective trauma (by an individual in a very expanded state of consciousness) bring healing to the species mind…Slightly modifying [Rupert] Sheldrake’s theory, however, Bache maintains that the species mind, as one layer of a vast cosmic intelligence he calls “Sacred Mind,” contains within it not just the species memory but also inherent creative capacities of enormous scope.
~ David Nicol
Japanese Bamboo Fountain, Ryoan-ji Temple, Kyoto, Japan – photo by Nataliya Hora, bigstockphoto.com
In a healthy society, caring for the soul of the world is primarily the work of true elders. These are the community members who have the greatest capacity to recognize and comprehend the needs and desires of the world, and to respond wisely. They are the ones who can best guide us by virtue of their capacity to be guided by the world. By listening to the soul of the world, true elders acquire the wisdom, scope, and perspective to assess the relationship between humanity and the larger web of life we’re part of-and to guide us in keeping that relationship in balance.
~ Geneen Marie Haugen
Sol Duc Rainforest, Oregon – photo from bigstockphoto.com
Many earlier peoples saw in…natural phenomena a world beyond ephemeral appearance, an abiding world, a world imaged forth in the wonders of the sun and clouds by day and the stars and planets by night, a world that enfolded the human in some profound manner. This other world was guardian, teacher, healer-the source from which humans were born, nourished, protected, guided, and the destiny to which we returned.
~ Thomas Berry
Yosemite in Snow – photo from bigstockphoto.com
In our perception all life is equal, and that includes the birds, animals, things that grow, things that swim. All life is equal in our perception.
~ Oren Lyons
Bryce Canyon in Snow – photo from bigstockphoto.com
When we walk on the earth with reverence, beauty will decide to trust us. The rushed heart and arrogant mind lack the gentleness and patience to enter that embrace.
~ John O’Donohue
Giant Redwoods, Muir Woods, San Francisco, CA – photo from bigstockphoto.com
The world is magic, not a little bit, one-hundred percent. Every atom, from one end of the cosmos to the other, is magic, magic, magic.
~ Terence McKenna
Milky Way, Italian Alps – Mars and Saturn Glowing Midframe – photo by Fabio Lamanna, bigstockphoto.com
From my perspective, I absolutely believe in a greater spiritual power, far greater than I am, from which I have derived strength in moments of sadness or fear. That’s what I believe, and it was very, very strong in the forest.
~ Jane Goodall
Mt. Kilimanjaro – photo by Michal Bednarek, bigstockphoto.com
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