Because of the interconnectedness of all minds, affirming a positive vision may be about the most sophisticated action any one of us can take.
~ Willis Harmon
Elder Tree at Sunrise – photo by Den Belinksy,
Because of the interconnectedness of all minds, affirming a positive vision may be about the most sophisticated action any one of us can take.
~ Willis Harmon
Elder Tree at Sunrise – photo by Den Belinksy,
Only if we can learn to see the other members of the Earth community from their point of view—to stand where they stand—and feel an empathy with their life can we begin to find a path to sustainable habitation of this planet.
~ Stephen Harrod Buhner
Cape Otway, Victoria, Australia – photo by FiledIMAGE,
And the world cannot be discovered by a journey of miles, no matter how long, but only by a spiritual journey, a journey of one inch, very arduous and humbling and joyful, by which we arrive at the ground at our own feet, and learn to be at home.
~ Wendell Berry
Sunset, Lam hin khao, thailand – photo by Gan Chaonan,
The feminine has a central part to play in the work of global healing and transformation. Her natural consciousness holds a deep understanding of the interconnections of life, how all the different parts relate together: how this awakening oneness can unfold. And every woman has in her spiritual centers the sacred substance of creation that is necessary for life’s regeneration. Without the full participation of the feminine nothing new can be born.
Because humanity has a central function in the whole of creation, what we deny to ourself we deny to all of life. In denying the feminine her sacred power and purpose we have impoverished life in ways we do not understand.
~ Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Angel Falls, Venezuela – photo by mathes,
Recognizing that plants, for instance, have consciousness, or that their simple presence in our environment has healing effects, reintroduces an element of wonder and mystery back into the experience of the natural world.
~ Sayer Ji
Royal Gardens of Peradenia, Sri Lanka – photo by Oskanov,
We humans have offered ourselves the illusion that we are somehow at the top of a pyramid of “evolved importance and superiority” amongst the array of life forms on the planet. We have told ourselves that we are separate in some fundamental way. My constant question is, how do we allow ourselves to recognize and experience that all life forms are equal children of Gaia, of our beautiful planet, that all express a particular and valued form and quality of consciousness, and that every life we encounter anywhere, anytime, is kin?
~ Nancy J. Napier
Wild Wood Mouse – photo by CreativeNaturePhotography,
This new era requires a change of consciousness and values—an expansion of our worldviews and ethics. The evolutionary life impulse moves us forward from viewing ourselves as isolated individuals and competing nation states to realizing our collective presence as a species with a common origin story and shared destiny.
~ Mary Tucker and Brian Swimme, “Spiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Earth”
Gotland, Sweden – photo by Olga Miltsova,
It is commonly known by indigenous people that high-frequency vibrations activate consciousness, nourish what is hungry or weak, heal what is sick, and invite in the most luminous forces of Nature.
~ Arkan Lushwala
Sunrise, Monument Valley – photo by Melissa Kopka,
From the animist point of view, humans belong in a sacred place because they themselves are sacred. Not sacred in a special way, not more sacred than anything else, but merely as sacred as anything else — as sacred as bison or salmon or crows or crickets or bears or sunflowers.
~ Daniel Quinn
Zen Garden – photo by SergWSQ,
Is it too much to ask, to live in a world where our human gifts go toward the benefit of all? Where our daily activities contribute to the healing of the biosphere and the well-being of other people?
…We are not just a skin-encapsulated ego, a soul encased in flesh. We are each other and we are the world.
~ Charles Eisenstein, The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible
Lake Hintersee, Upper Bavaria, Germany – photo by Leonid Tit,
I want to make it clear that my intention of presenting this information is to demonstrate that thoughts, intentions, prayer and other units of consciousness can directly influence our physical material world. Consciousness can be a big factor in creating change on the planet. Sending thoughts of love, healing intent, prayer, good intention, and more can have a powerful influence on what you are directing those feelings towards.
~ Arjun Walia
“Awakening” – Ocean Sunrise – photo by EdVal, bigstockphoto.comw
Integrity is remembering that as individuals we are indivisible from the whole process in which we are participating — the integral evolution of life and consciousness. Integrity is about embracing the paradox that while most of us live our lives in a state of consciousness that separates subject and objects, self and world, even humanity and nature, there is a deeper ground of being and becoming — a quantum-entangled, implicate order of fundamental interconnectedness and co-creative reciprocity. We are individual nodes of consciousness.
~ Daniel Christian Wahl
Elephants, Kruger National Park, South Africa – photo by javarman,