There are so many other worlds. Sometimes when you hold special rocks, you can hear them.
~ Rainbow Wolf, age 6
Fann Mountains, Tajikistan – photo by Andrushko Galyna,
…a truly planetary perspective means we see ourselves first and foremost not just as members of the human family but as earthlings in interdependent relationship with all the human and nonhuman members of the Earth community.
~ David Nicol
Egret Hunting in the Florida Everglades – photo by Steve Byland,
Many of us experience longing, fear, and loneliness as a result of our illusion of separation. What if the separation was all part of the healing journey back to recognizing there is no environment?
Mother Earth Gaia is us, we are Mother Earth. There is no outside. That is all illusionary as well. Inside, outside is all the dualistic part of the modern daydream we are working with to get to “We are ONE BODY.”
~ Dr. Barry Taylor
Fuego and Acatenango Volcanos, Guatemala -photo by Lucy Brown,
A person experiences life as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. Our task must be to free ourselves from this self-imposed prison, and through compassion, to find the reality of Oneness.
~ Albert Einstein
Winter Mountains, Zakopane, Poland – photo by Alex Ugalek,
Interdependence, of course, is a fundamental law of nature. Not only higher forms of life but also many of the smallest insects are social beings who, without any religion, law or education, survive by mutual cooperation based on an innate recognition of their interconnectedness…
It is because our own human existence is so dependent on the help of others that our need for love lies at the very foundation of our existence. Therefore we need a genuine sense of responsibility and a sincere concern for the welfare of others.
~ H.H. The Dalai Lama
Hummingbird, Costa Rica – photo by JinHrebicek,
At this moment, the cells of our bodies are buzzing with activity, maintaining the processes of life. In a similar manner, our cities, businesses and communities are continuously maintaining and recreating themselves. All around us, the creative awareness inhabiting Nature looks out from countless points of view– tasting, touching, moving and sensing this multidimensional wonder we inhabit.
~ Christopher Chase
Redwood Forest, Cape Otway, Australia – photo by FiledIMAGE,
…nature teems with consciousness through and through. Matter itself tingles with the spark of spirit, and therefore nature, in all its forms and glory, is sacred to its deepest roots.
~ Christian de Quincey, “Radical Nature: The Soul of Nature”
Wild Mushrooms – photo by Debbie Ann Powell,
Speaking about an experiment done with plants and the response of a plant that didn’t make it to a pole before another one:
What is interesting is the behaviour of the loser: it immediately sensed the other plant had reached the pole and started to find an alternative. This was astonishing and it demonstrates the plants were aware of their physical environment and the behaviour of the other plant. In animals we call this consciousness.
~ BBC News on “Science and Environment”
Conscioiusness in Green – photo by Badun,
This dimension of our ecological crisis, our forgetfulness of the sacred, is hardly recognized, is a hidden tragedy, and yet I believe it is our primary spiritual responsibility at this time: to reconnect with what is sacred all around us, and thus make life both whole and holy. We can no longer afford to live in separation, in isolation, but need to become once again part of the great conversation with the rivers and the winds, the seas and the stars. Then we will reconnect with the Earth and Her ancient wisdom, and together walk into the future that is waiting, a future in which the light in our hearts and our love for the Earth can heal and redeem the wasteland that our culture has created. Together we will find a way to live in harmony with all of life’s multihued unity.
~ Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Sunrise, Yosemite Valley – photo by jeffbanke,