…we too are a part of nature, and confront a similar survival struggle as plants do. To illustrate the point, [Stephen} Buhner points out the wonders of plant terpenes, a large group of hydrocarbons found in the oils of plants. Terpenes, he writes, “purify the air, modulate plant emergence, enhance the respiration of the plant community, feed into mycelial networks, and play an essential role in the formation of humic acid.”
According to Buhner, this is prime evidence of how plants are, by their nature, working for the greater good. Plants, he says, “exist not for themselves alone; they create and maintain the community of life on Earth, they produce the chemistries all life needs to live, and they heal other living organisms that are ill.
~ Angelo Druda
Lebanon Cedar Forest – photo by Anna Om, bigstockphoto.com
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