In the time of the Seventh Fire, a New People would emerge. They would retrace their steps to find the wisdom that was left by the side of the trail long ago. Their steps would take them to the elders, who they would ask to guide them on their journey. If the New People remain strong in their quest, the sacred drum will again sound its voice. There will be an awakening of the people, and the sacred fire will again be lit. At this time, the light-skinned race will be given a choice between two roads. One road is the road of greed and technology without wisdom or respect for life. This road represents a rush to destruction. The other road is spirituality, a slower path that includes respect for all living things. If we choose the spiritual path, we can light yet another fire, an Eight Fire, and begin an extended period of Peace and healthy growth.
~ The prophecy of the Seven Fires of the Anishnabe, written on the ancient wampum belt carekept by Grandfather William Commanda, named Chief of the Indians of the Americas in 1957, and founder of the Circle of All Nations
Geyser in Yellowstone Natl Park, WY – photo from, used with permission
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