Only our love for the Earth can heal what we have devastated, redeem the inner and outer wasteland we have made through our greed and forgetfulness. It may seem too simple and idealistic, an inadequate response to the realities of ecological devastation. But love and prayer can reawaken the sacred within creation, make the ground under our feet both whole and holy. We cannot heal what we have ravaged only through science and technology, though they can help. But first we need to remember and return to what is sacred, to the hidden music of creation – the heartbeat of the world. Only then will our actions be in harmony with all of life, its interconnected web, and so help both humanity and the planet return into balance. Then the Earth can reawaken as the living, spiritual being it really is, and begin the work of healing itself. It can share with us its deep wisdom. We will learn to work together with the forces within nature and lifes deepest purpose.
~ Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, from “The Loss of the Sacred and A Prayer for the Earth”
Mendenhall Glacier, Juneau, Alaska – photo from, used with permission
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