We may not be masters of encoding water with intention like the Desana, or masters of focus like buddhist monks, but what we lack in depth of focus we may be able to make up for with sheer volume of people. What excites me is the idea that millions of people may be able to collectively use their intention to take advantage of the conductivity and adaptability of water, by coming into a space of deep listening and receptivity and then focusing our intention on sending their blessing to the waters of this planet. This may be to bring healing to the waters themselves, but like this practice of using the water as a carrier for healing individuals, a large enough and focused enough collective may be able to bring about healing or re-alignment in not just the water but all those who come into contact with it and there is nothing this planet needs more than that.
~ Jonathan Davis, Uplift
Haystack Rock, Cannon Beach, OR – photo by Dan Schreiber, bigstockphoto.com
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