…it is clear that the models [of reality] we have examined are basically in alignment with each other in relation to the following principles that are fundamental for a theory of subtle activism:
1. Beneath the surface appearance of separate objects, there is a universal field of consciousness that is seen as an underlying ground and creative source of everything in existence.
2. Human individuals are embedded in this field, as well as in various kinds of social fields that correspond with different social units (family, city, nation, species, planet, etc.).
3. Individuals both influence these collective fields and are influenced by them.
4. The mechanism by which individual influence occurs can be explained in terms of morphic resonance (the influence of like upon like). [See the work of Rupert Sheldrake.]
~ David Nicol
Stone Circle from 3000 BC, Isle of Lewis and Harris, Outer Hebrides, Scotland – photo by AnnekaS, bigstockphoto.com
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