We’re beginning a decade of transition, a decade of new possibilities. Let’s make this new era the one we finally move out of the fossil-fuel/poison dominated age; away from division, separation and mechanistic, reductionist thought.
It is time to move forward into diversity and unity, into an age where we finally awaken to the fact that we are inter-beings and we co-create with the Earth.
It is in a world of diversity, in a world of inter-beings, in a world of cooperation, that we create sustainability of living at peace with the Earth, and we create peace of communities living in peaceful societies.
We can be living in gardens, sowing gardens, working with the soil, working with the animals, working with our plants, working with the birds and the bees and the butterflies, working with the future.
Let’s sow the Seeds of Love.
~ Dr. Vandana Shiva
Sunrise, Phu Kradueng National Park, Thailand – photo by Boysloso, bigstockphoto.com
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